The Polar Security Cutter remains a HIGH PRIORITY.
The USCGC Polar Star deployed to the Arctic for 78 days. The crew went without seeing daylight for 10 straight days, and endured hurricane-force winds and temperatures in the MINUS DOUBLE DIGITS.
The USCGC Hickory crew stepped in when Angoon, Alaska suffered WATERLINE FAILURES.
The Navy says the goals are to preserve readiness and reassure allies and partners in the REGION.
The ship traveled 10,000 miles conducting law enforcement OPERATIONS.
The Bremerton-based aircraft carrier will be retired, stripped down, and "RECYCLED."
This impressive haul was the work of a Navy ship carrying a Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment (LEDET) and three Coast Guard CUTTERS.
The aircraft carrier is expected to arrive home by the end of FEBRUARY.
It was an example of international COOPERATION.
The Seattle Times reports the Commission vote was 4 TO 3.
The Lake Washington & Everett Council of the Navy League of US espouses to NLUS's four goals: Educate national leaders and the nation * Support the men and women of the sea services Provide assistance to sea service families * Support youth programs
© 2001-2020 Navy League of the United States - Lake Washington & Everett Council Lake Washington & Everett Council of the Navy League of the United States is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.LW&E Council, P.O. Box 547 Bellevue WA 98009-0547