Ward was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions when Pearl Harbor was ATTACKED.
Lieutenant Thomas Eadie worked tirelessly to free another DIVER.
Ike Schab says he "was scared to death. But that didn't prevent him from DOING HIS DUTY.
Navy Rear Admiral Daniel Callaghan was awarded the honor posthumously for his actions in World War II.
Sergeant Major Daniel Daly served from 1900 TO 1919
Jacklyn “Jack” Lucas was only 17 YEARS OLD.
Captain Arthur Jackson was a Private First Class at the time. His actions were cited as the reason the Allies were able to take THE ISLAND.
It wasn't a medal, but it's worth noting that this young man showed excellent LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL.
The ship will be named for SEAL plank holder SOLOMON ATKINSTON.
The Navy Ensign was the first aviator to earn the MEDAL.
The Lake Washington & Everett Council of the Navy League of US espouses to NLUS's four goals: Educate national leaders and the nation * Support the men and women of the sea services Provide assistance to sea service families * Support youth programs
© 2001-2020 Navy League of the United States - Lake Washington & Everett Council Lake Washington & Everett Council of the Navy League of the United States is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.LW&E Council, P.O. Box 547 Bellevue WA 98009-0547